“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12
It was July of 2005, and Ryan was turning 3 years old. Birthdays were always a big deal for the Brown boys, and we usually celebrated with a themed party. On this particular year, I decided on a Monkeying Around theme for our little blonde-haired blue-eyed monkey. Although I was not a particularly gifted baker, I enjoyed making custom cakes for my sons. Looking at the pictures now, I laugh, but at the time I was particularly proud of the monkey cake I made for Ryan. I remember calling him in to see it.
“Look Ryan. What is it?” I asked.
Not to be outwitted, he responded with enthusiasm, “A cake!” He seemed genuinely impressed.
“Yes but what kind of cake,” I asked.
“A sewkle (circle)!” he replied proudly.
I laughed and said, “I know that’s the shape, but what animal is it?”
Ryan looked intently at the dessert and said, “A cow.”
“No. It’s not a cow,” I responded, only slightly disappointed. After all, he was only 3. “What animal is it?”
Ryan looked again, screwed his face in concentration, and answered. “A pig?”
Obviously, my decorating skills needed some improvement. Still, by the time guests arrived I had convinced him to say “monkey” whether he thought it was a monkey or not.
Sometimes I wonder if God feels the same way about me as I felt about Ryan that day. How could Ryan have not known it was a monkey? It seemed pretty obvious to me.
God, who is the master designer, who makes no mistakes, lays before me a day, and says, “What it is, daughter?”
I see grey clouds and answer, “It’s a storm.”
“Nope, try again.”
I see the pile of bills and answer, “It’s stress.”
“Uh-uh. Look closer.”
I see a grumpy family member and respond, “It’s a problem.”
“You’re missing it, Child.”
Finally, He gives up and reminds me. “It’s the blessing of a day, a brand-new day, a day filled with beauty, a day filled with provision, a day filled with love and opportunities to glorify me.”
And I hope that next time, I’m not as quick to forget.